tarantula surf is a space for possibility. a place of freedom to be who we are and see a world with different eyes. where authentic sharing through story and connection bridges conventional divisions and spans the time-space illusion. a world where .com stands for community. where our awareness of self and surroundings tells us that global evolution is personal transformation.

tarantula surf is a celebration of beauty in diversity, the rich multiplicity of ways of living and doing that make our souls sing and our love live on. a place to forego patterns of separation and step boldly into our new collective story, where a more beautiful world is not only possible, but present and flourishing before our very eyes.

…a world so replete with limitless possibility that even a desert-dwelling tarantula might someday surf the salty, sun-kissed sea.


Free your soul surfer

Mindful heart

Peaceful revolution



surf tourism solutions

REVIVE Surf Trips + REtreats



surf travel

writing programs + EBooks